the basis of the NoREB to the North Rift region

 Governors from the North Rift region have adopted and signed the corporation agreement of the North Rift Economic Block (NoREB) bill. 

according to Stephen Sang, the chairman of the corporation and also the Nandi County governor, the approval of the bill by the county assemblies will help the bloc work as one in an attempt to boost the economy of the region.

"The adoption of the bill will help us develop a one stop shop for all those planning to invest in our region and it will help improve the livelihood of the people in this hard economic times." said governor Sang

Adding to this he states that the Bill will strengthen the region and lead to its prosperity not as a single county but all the 8 counties within the North Rift region.

" The bill will help the region grow as one and improve the lives of the citizens and reduce the conflicts experienced in 5 counties in this region if we agree to work together."

He was speaking during a briefing in Uasin Gishu county after the NoREB summit that was held there that aimed at seeking to give an integration of legal backing and structured framework of the bill.


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