Residents of Kipkenyo area are calling on the government to help maintain the dump site located there.

Led by Maslus Wambui, a resident, has complained that the environment is bad at the site as the smell

has increased leading to a flies infestation.

"The Flies are making the area so uncomfortable and this is mainly because of the bad smell from the

site." Said Maslus a business owner at Kipkenyo.

He has also said that the security of the place is low which forces them to close their businesses early as

those working at the site most are not trust worthy.

"Sometimes those working here become restless and they invade our businesses asking for favor and

when denied they break in at night." Maslus complained.

According to another resident, Bramwel Kogei, he has complained that the dump site causes poor fresh

air circulation in the area.

"The dump site may at times overflow to our homes and incase of people with breathing problems,

they tend to suffer and also new born children have a hard time adopting to the environment." Said Kogei.

He has also complained that the pigs feeding in the dump site sometimes destroy their farms at night as

they are mostly let into the site during the night.

"It will be better if the dump site is fenced and the trash moved to the centre of the site." Suggested

Bramwel Kogei.

Despite the government relocating people from near the dump site, the tidiness of the site should still

be considered for the sake of those who remained at Kipkenyo.
